Wednesday, June 2, 2010

what i did today so far....& to update my post after not blogging for so fcuking long.;)

Met up with Fina after work today.
Asked her to accompany me to go for haircut.
Then met up with Alep, Small & Aidil at 737..slacking.
Left the two of us (me & Alep of course..hahah) ...
which leads us to talk about how we became so close friends.hahah..Which reminded us to call our very old friend & slack with him at Yishun...Hahah...
& right now i ust reached home & left about two hours plus for me to rest & get ready for work.
kinda sleepy but what to do...mata tahan ajek lahh...hahah..
i know this is a fcuking boring first post of mine & i did it out of boredom & to past my time faster so that i would not sleep due to some reasons...
will be updating soon enough...